i Am

在天堂和世界之間; 在真實和假象之間;在一切的選擇和結果之間, 是我.



" 我的心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式,這樣,
因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的. "

一周結束之時,飄雨夜裡走在食物香味四溢的路上, 我餓,又同時因為忍耐著餓而快樂. 
因為, 這是我可以為主付上的代價,竟如此輕省.

慈愛的天父,謝謝祢今晚悅納我的敬拜, 謝謝祢,當我把一日交到你的手裡, 你就保守我的一日. 謝謝祢,那畫在紙上流洩出的渴望和想法,是來自我以為乾渴的心嗎? 我知道是祢,是祢在沙漠開江河,是祢在汪洋裡闢道路...是,我就這樣,緊緊緊緊巴著祢一天.謝謝祢,我學會心意單純地行事, 我學會接受論斷而不論斷, 我學會在世界裡活著無時無刻在安靜中歡喜, 因為禁食禱告,我知道自己更親近了祢,謝謝祢, 成全祢自己的旨意.

今天讀了以賽亞書14章和馬太福音第11章. 也是[標竿人生]得第五天...
這首歌,再獻給祢...主啊, 聽! 那是我的心啊! 
我慈愛的天父啊, 我靜候祢,未來很快,生命很短,但祢的約櫃在前,求祢讓我定睛在祢,只看祢,單單只要祢...再不管世界紛擾,人心或世俗的種種種種 周末,請讓我安靜在祢之中休息. 因為一切都在祢. 
我這樣禱告是奉主耶穌得勝的名, 阿門

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are